Conscientious in New York


I’m just back from an intense photo weekend in New York City, where I went to the Armoury show and all over Chelsea to see some amazing photography (I’ll post about various works that I saw over the next few days). I was also very fortunate to meet or run into (in alphabetical order, and hopefully not forgetting anyone) Jen Bekman, Ferdinand Brüggemann, Seth Boyd, James Danziger, Jen Davis, Katina Houvouras, Leslie Martin, Rachel Papo, Richard Renaldi, Sasha Rudensky, Kevin Sisemore, Amy Stein, and Edward Winkleman. There’s just so much photography going on in New York, and I felt a bit like a kid in a gigantic candy store. Coming back to a place like Pittsburgh is then quite sobering. If I had to pick highlights/my favourite candy, I’d probably go for Kunihiko Katsumata’s “Skyline” series (seen at the Armoury show) and Elger Esser’s show at Sonnabend Gallery.