EU artwork shines new light on member countries



“A new artwork, commissioned by the Czech government for its six-month presidency of the EU, was this morning installed in the headquarters of the Council of Ministers in Brussels. […] the highlights are: […] Bulgaria with a Turkish toilet, Estonia with a hammer and sickle, France with a big banner saying ‘on strike’, […], Lithuania with five men in army uniforms pissing outwards (onto Russia), […], Poland with a group of monks raising a gay pride flag, Iwo Jima-style, Slovenia hailing ‘the delight of masturbation’.” (story) I was going to comment on this, but then I read the comment of Alexandr Vondra, the deputy Czech prime minister, who said “Sculpture, and art more generally, can speak where words fail.” Words do indeed fail me, but I’m working on some sculpture to comment on this piece of art.